Se acerca la Semana Santa y con ella, las reencuentros familiares, las celebraciones, etc. Cada año España va acogiendo cada vez más la tradición, también de origen cristiano, de los huevos de Pascua, que desde hace siglos viene realizándose en muchos otros países europeos y americanos. A mí me encanta compartir e intercambiar tradiciones entre culturas, especialmente las bellas, así que me sumo a la decoración con huevos de Pascua. Si estás pensado en organizar una reunión familiar o de amigos esta Semana Santa, ahí van unas cuantas ideas para decorar una mesa de Pascua, traídas de Pottery Barn, preciosas, bellísimas, con muchísimo encanto, colorido y un dulce estilo campestre. He sentido amor a primera vista.
Easter is close and all the family gets together these days... The Easter Eggs tradition is getting more and more popular in Spain every year, although it was quite unknown in the past. I love sharing traditions between cultures, especially the beautiful ones, so this year I also want to decorate with the Easter Eggs. Do you need some inspiration for your Easter decoration? I will share some ideas with you that I found out in the Pottery Barn website, gorgeous, really beautiful, lovely, colourful and with a sweet country style. I just fell in love with them.
Easter is close and all the family gets together these days... The Easter Eggs tradition is getting more and more popular in Spain every year, although it was quite unknown in the past. I love sharing traditions between cultures, especially the beautiful ones, so this year I also want to decorate with the Easter Eggs. Do you need some inspiration for your Easter decoration? I will share some ideas with you that I found out in the Pottery Barn website, gorgeous, really beautiful, lovely, colourful and with a sweet country style. I just fell in love with them.
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