Hola a todos! Ya estoy de vuelta en casa (eso es ahora y de momento, en la costa oeste de Australia). Como ya comenté el viernes, el fin de semana fui a visitar Sydney, y ahora es sin duda una de mis ciudades favoritas del mundo! Me encantaron sus calles, su color, su gente, su aroma. Y hablando de aromas, el domingo pude hacer en Sydney unos de mis clásicos de domingo favoritos: los mercadillos domingueros! Y es que Sydney celebraba este fin de semana el Festival de los Aromas. ¿Os imagináis un mercado de aromas? Pues sí, así es, calles enteras perfumadas con el aroma a café, chocolate, té y especias de cuatro partes del mundo diferentes: Europa, Asía, Sudamérica y Oriente Medio. Degustaciones y todo tipo de delicatessen para acompañar. Todo un placer para el olfato y también para el gusto!
Hello everybody! I'm back at home (that is now the WA). As I comented last Friday, I spent my weekend visiting Sydney and now it's one of my favorite cities in the world! I loved its streets, its color, its people and its aroma. And speaking of that, last Sundy I could do in Sydney one of my favorite classic activities in the Sundays: the street markets! Sydney celebrated last weekend the Aroma Festival. Can you imagine an aroma market? Yes, that is, streets smelling to sweet aromas like coffee, chocolate, tea or spices from four different parts of the world: Europe, Asia, Southamerica and Middle East. Tasting and all kind of delicacies. It was such a pleasure for the sense of smell and also for the taste!
Hello everybody! I'm back at home (that is now the WA). As I comented last Friday, I spent my weekend visiting Sydney and now it's one of my favorite cities in the world! I loved its streets, its color, its people and its aroma. And speaking of that, last Sundy I could do in Sydney one of my favorite classic activities in the Sundays: the street markets! Sydney celebrated last weekend the Aroma Festival. Can you imagine an aroma market? Yes, that is, streets smelling to sweet aromas like coffee, chocolate, tea or spices from four different parts of the world: Europe, Asia, Southamerica and Middle East. Tasting and all kind of delicacies. It was such a pleasure for the sense of smell and also for the taste!
Disfruté tanto el domingo que hoy he traido a mi blog una recopilación de fotos del Festival de los Aromas, con algunas mías degustando y comprando todo tipo de delicias sin parar.
I enjoyed so much the visit to the festival that today I brought to my blog a collection of pictures from the Aromas Festival, with some of my pictures tasting and buying all kind of delicacies.
I enjoyed so much the visit to the festival that today I brought to my blog a collection of pictures from the Aromas Festival, with some of my pictures tasting and buying all kind of delicacies.
En cuanto al resto de mi fin de semana, que más puedo decir, Sydney es espectacular, y nada parecido a lo que los europeos estamos acostumbrados a ver en Europa. Pasé el resto del fin de semana visitando a la preciosa ciudad, disfrutando de deliciosas almuerzos en las terrazas de Darling Harbour, cenas-crucero, compras sin parar, y largas noches de fiesta y diversión. Ahora ya estoy de vuelta a la realidad, pero vuelvo con las pilas cargadas y la cabeza llena de más ideas creativas que os van a encantar! Hasta mañana!
About the rest of my weekend in Sydney, what else can I say? it's just that Sydney is fabulous and nothing similar to Europe, and to all those things that us European people are used to seeing in our European cities. I spent the rest of my weekend visiting that amazing and gorgeous city, enjoying lunch in Darling Harbour, dinner in a cruise, shopping and late nights out partying. Now I'm back to the reality, but I'm full of energy and my head full of new ideas that you are going to love!!! See you tomorrow!!!
About the rest of my weekend in Sydney, what else can I say? it's just that Sydney is fabulous and nothing similar to Europe, and to all those things that us European people are used to seeing in our European cities. I spent the rest of my weekend visiting that amazing and gorgeous city, enjoying lunch in Darling Harbour, dinner in a cruise, shopping and late nights out partying. Now I'm back to the reality, but I'm full of energy and my head full of new ideas that you are going to love!!! See you tomorrow!!!
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