The way to get maximum impact from an area rug is to use it as the "soul of your room". The color scheme, furniture placement and...
De mudanza... Moving home...
Imagen via Weheartit Hola amigos, como ya os comente el lunes, esta semana estoy mudándome a un nuevo hogar. Por ello, la semana que viene ...
¡Ya es privamera, ya llega el color!Spring time, colour time
Ya está aquí la primavera y con ella llega el color! Y quienes mejor conocen la cromoterapia en el hogar son sin duda Rice ! Ya está online...
Hola lunes y hola primaveraHello Monday and hello spring
Imagen vía Wohnidee Hola amigos, esta semana me encuentro preparando mi mudanza a mi nuevo hogar. Empaquetando y empaquetando sin parar. Est...
Modern Kitchen Designer by Erica Islas
EMI Interior Design, Inc. is a full-service residential interior design and build firm, founded by award-winning designer Erica Islas in 2...
Asian Kitchen designer by Troy Adams
Troy Adams is an award winning interior designer who is currently based out of West Hollywood California. He has been featured in numerous...
Modern Kitchen Style
The busy city slicker on the go will love the no-fuss features of modern kitchens. Known for their sleek lines and metallic finishes, modern...
Traditional Kitchen Designer by Dave Stimmel
Stimmel has been in the design business for 20 years, and the head of Stimmel Consulting Group in Blue Bell for the last nine. The Philade...
Creating an Old World Kitchen
Classic architectural elements, vibrant colors and distressed finishes create a warm family-gathering place. Old World design includes free...