Llevo años guardando una selección de mis imágenes favoritas de la revista Nuevo Estilo. Hoy haciendo un repaso de ellas me he dado cuenta de la gran cantidad de imagenes de cuartos de baño que guardo y que todavía no he compartido con vosotros. Así que, allan van mis baños favoritos de los últimos dos o tres años! ¿Preparados para soñar?
I've been keeping a selection of my favourite pictures from Nuevo Estilo magazine for the last few years. Today I was taking a look at them again and just realized how many beautiful bathroom pictures I have not shared with all of you yet. So there you go, my favourite bathrooms from the last two or three years. Are you ready to dream?
I've been keeping a selection of my favourite pictures from Nuevo Estilo magazine for the last few years. Today I was taking a look at them again and just realized how many beautiful bathroom pictures I have not shared with all of you yet. So there you go, my favourite bathrooms from the last two or three years. Are you ready to dream?
Espejo sobre espejo, brillante y resplandeciente
Mirror under mirror, sparkling and shining
Mirror under mirror, sparkling and shining
Espejos desgastados y lámparas de araña, clásico y sofisticado
Old mirrors and chandeliers, classic and sophisticated
Old mirrors and chandeliers, classic and sophisticated
Lavamanos de diseños curvados, moderno y dinámico
Curly sink design, modern and dinamic
Curly sink design, modern and dinamic
Maderas oscuras y detalles en negro, muy masculino
Dark wood and black details, very masculine
Dark wood and black details, very masculine
Papel decorativo y zócalo de madera, elegante y clásico
Wallpaper and wood skirting board, elegant and classic
Wallpaper and wood skirting board, elegant and classic
Espejos redondos y lavamanos de cristal, ligero y discreto
Round mirrors and glass sinks, light and discreet
Round mirrors and glass sinks, light and discreet
Espejo y lavamanos alargados y papel decorativo en la pared, urbano y chic
Elongated sink and mirror and wallpaper, urban and chic
Elongated sink and mirror and wallpaper, urban and chic
Imágenes: Nuevo Estilo
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